Category Archives: 40th Birthday

One Thing Before 40.

A few years ago, I was obsessed with making a list of things I wanted to do before I turned 40. I saw someone do a 30 before 30 list and I really wanted to do one but I already was 30 so that wasn’t going to work. Thus I came up with the very unique 40 before 40 list.

In retrospect, this was a really dumb idea. You know why doing 30 things before one turns 30 is so much better than doing 40 things before one turns 40? Because 10 extra things might as well be 100 extra things when I have a kid and jobs and whatever else eating up my time. I should have put “go to work” or “feed child” on my list of things. Also, I had so much more energy before I was 30. Now at nearly 40, I laugh at how tired I thought I was at this time 10 years ago.

Below is the list from 3 years ago. With only 202 days to go, let’s see how I’m doing.

1.  Run a 5k. What? No.

2.  Run a 10k. Oh, hell no.

3.  Run a half marathon. Was I out of my mind?

4.  Lose 40 pounds. I tried. It didn’t work.

5.  Make significant steps toward reducing animal products in my diet. Nope.

6.  Finish my memoir. I finished a draft. Does that count?

7.  Publish my memoir. This is really unlikely.

8.  Buy Long Term Care insurance. What a fun concept! Also, yes, I have some.

9.  Visit with a financial planner and map out a goal for retirement. I can’t even plan dinner for the coming week.

10.  Create and utilize a budget. Nope.

11.  Read 50 books. I don’t even know what to say about this.

12.  Redesign my blog under my own domain name. Done!

13.  Sort and organize my mother’s belongings. Nope. They’re still in the basement.

14.  Live a more minimalist lifestyle. I guess so. How does one measure this?

15.  Save enough money to purchase our next vehicle in cash. Uh, nope.

16.  Attend another blogging conference. I did this!

17.  Eliminate my dependence on caffeine. I am literally LOLing at this right now.

18.  Unplug for one full week. Now I am dying from this.

19.  Get a paid writing job. I did this!

20.  Create a usable space in the home office. I did this!

21.  Bag, Board and Catalog comic/magazine collection. I’m still working on this.

22.  Organize CD collection. What’s a CD?

23.  Organize DVD collection. What’s a DVD?

24.  Create usable living space in attic. I suppose something could live up there.

25.  Create usable living space in basement. The centipedes seem to like it.

26.  Organize (digitize?) all old writings. Nope.

27.  Make go-bags for all family members. Um…

28.  Create an emergency bin with supplies. No.

29.  Buy a really awesome, unnecessarily expensive pair of jeans that make my ass look amazing. I can’t see my ass so who cares?

30.  Buy a killer dress – cocktail? ball gown?  I don’t know. This is not very minimalist of me.

31.  Go to some event that requires me to wear the aforementioned dress. I’m not really into “going places” anymore.

32.  Go zip-lining. Except this. I still want to go zip-lining.

33.  Get third tattoo. Done. And the fourth, too!

34.  Climb a rock wall. I did not do this. I still want to.

Notice the list stops at 34. I couldn’t think of anything else.

Here’s the thing: Yes, I’m turning 40. Yes, there’s a bit of mid-life crisis happening. I’m getting the what have I done with my life and what am I going to do next sort of feelings and those aren’t so good. I feel like I should have done more things and better.

But here’s where turning 40 is awesome:

There’s a part of me that’s telling that judgmental voice, the one who compares me to everyone else, to shut the fuck up. It’s the same voice that’s letting me say fuck in a blog post, even though I don’t usually do this so I can appear professional even though the real me says fuck all the fucking time.

So the new thing I have planned for my 40th is to give fewer fucks. I don’t care if I haven’t met some arbitrary goal I may have set for myself three years ago. I don’t care if everyone else wants to do something – if I don’t want to do it, I’m not doing it. And if no one wants to do what I want to do? Well, fuck it. I’m going to go do it by myself then. I’m going to stand up for what’s right. I’m going to fight for important things. I’m going to work for the things I want. Everything else doesn’t matter.

I don’t need to do 40 ridiculous things to prove a point. I don’t need to prove anything to anyone.

I’ve spent most of the last almost-40 years doing what other people wanted and what other people expected. I’ve put others before me to the extent that I virtually vanished.

Those days are over.

This is yeah write’s nomo writing challenge Day 3.

Featured Image Credit.

40 Months To 40.

In 40 months, I’ll turn 40.  In honor of the big event, I’ve created a list of things I’d like to accomplish by then.  I only have 34 items on the list so far, leaving room for goals to develop since admittedly there is still quite a bit of time.  I’ve added two more items since the last time I posted it.
1.  Run a 5k.
2.  Run a 10k.
3.  Run a half marathon.
4.  Lose 40 pounds.
5.  Make significant steps toward reducing animal products in my diet.
6.  Finish my memoir.
7.  Publish my memoir.
8.  Buy Long Term Care insurance.
9.  Visit with a financial planner and map out a goal for retirement.
10.  Create and utilize a budget.
11.  Read 50 books.
12.  Redesign my blog under my own domain name.
13.  Sort and organize my mother’s belongings.
14.  Live a more minimalist lifestyle.
15.  Save enough money to purchase our next vehicle in cash.
16.  Attend another blogging conference.
17.  Eliminate my dependence on caffeine.
18.  Unplug for one full week.
19.  Get a paid writing job.
20.  Create a usable space in the home office.
21.  Bag, Board and Catalog comic/magazine collection.
22.  Organize CD collection.
23.  Organize DVD collection.
24.  Create usable living space in attic.
25.  Create usable living space in basement.
26.  Organize (digitize?) all old writings.
27.  Make go-bags for all family members.
28.  Create an emergency bin with supplies.
29.  Buy a really awesome, unnecessarily expensive pair of jeans that make my ass look amazing.
30.  Buy a killer dress – cocktail? ball gown?  I don’t know.
31.  Go to some event that requires me to wear the aforementioned dress.
32.  Go zip-lining.
33.  Get third tattoo.
34.  Climb a rock wall.
I’ve spent considerable time and energy on #4 (reduce animal products in diet) and #5 (lose 40 pounds).  I’ve lost 11 pounds since the new year and I have not had meat in 3 weeks.  I’m well aware that my weight loss is too rapid and I am working on slowing things down a bit.  And I won’t pretend that I’ll never eat meat again, but it’s been a good month so far and overall I’m happy.
For #21 (comic book collection), I’ve made significant progress.  Almost all the books are bagged and boarded – nearly 10 long boxes worth.  We will hit 11 boxes before I’m done.  I had to get them boxed before I could start working on #20 (creating a usable space in the home office ).  Speaking of which, the ceiling is painted and the walls are edged.  My new desk is sitting in my hallway and as soon as the painting is done I’ll be building it.  
#16 (attend another blogging conference) is planned:  Type A Parent in September is booked!  I’m really excited about going.  On the one hand I wish it was sooner because, seriously, I cannot wait to go, but on the other I’m glad there’s some time so I can get in the right mental space by then. Right now my head is way too clouded to really get what I want out of it.
#10 (budget), #6 (memoir), #11 (read 50 books), #15 (saving for a car) have all been worked on.  Nothing reportable, but I’ve made steps in the direction of all of them this month.
When I put it all down like that, I realize I’ve been doing quite well actually.  The act of writing isn’t happening as much as I’d like, but much thought has gone into it.  Once the office is usable again, I hope to be able to have the physical space for working on the memoir and some other writing projects in a more serious fashion.
I’ll keep plugging away and I’ll be back on February 24th to up date again.  Thanks to everyone who even remotely cares about this list of mine!