Category Archives: yeah write nomo 2015


I am so worn out from the past few days, so I’m going to give out some unsolicited advice based on my experiences leaving the house this week.

1. Drive better. Maybe if there were less accidents, I wouldn’t spend so much of my damn life stuck in traffic. 90 minutes to get home from my office that is only 20 miles away is ridiculous. Just drive your car home. Do not drive it into someone else’s car and then we can all get home faster.

2. I get that sitting on a toilet seat in a public restroom is gross. But if you’re going to hover, please do not piss all over the seat and then leave it there. Guess what? You are now the reason that public toilet seats are gross. Congratulations.

3. While we’re talking about public toilets, please explain to me how people can just not flush. If there’s an automatic flushing mechanism, maybe check to see if it flushes. Or, I don’t know, listen to hear if it flushes. If it doesn’t, there’s always a manual thing. Essentially what I’m saying here is flush the toilet after you use it.

4. I am trying to teach my 8 year old that if he wants something from me and I’m in another room, he should not shout to me from across the house. Guess what, grown ups? You shouldn’t be shouting either. Walk over to the intended recipient of your message. Pick up a phone. Email. Tie two tin cans with a string and give one to the other person but for the love of olive please stop shouting across rooms. I can’t speak for everyone, but I really don’t want to hear it.

5. Just, generally speaking, indoor voices. Please.

6. If you get really upset when someone calls you a bigot, maybe stop being one. That’s probably the easiest way to have people stop saying that to you.

7. If you unilaterally don’t like a group of people because they are in that group, there’s a good chance you’re a bigot. Or an asshole. Or both.

8. I found a Chipotle near my office. This was the high point of my week.

9. If you have half of an Italian sub that’s been sitting in your fridge since Tuesday and it’s Friday, I don’t recommend you eat it. It will not taste good.

10. This is yeah write’s nomo challenge Day 20. Only 10 days to go. I’m going to make it. Barely.

This Really Happened.

I almost forgot to blog again tonight. I was at a PTA meeting. I’m the secretary of the PTA, you know.

So this one time, many, many years ago, long before I ever dreamed of being the secretary of the PTA, I went to a show. I don’t remember what show – it was some sort of live entertainment. Comedy of some sort? I can’t recall. But that was a thing that I did, I used to go out and have fun. On weeknights even.

Anyway, at this club, Janeane Garofalo jumped on some guy’s back and kicked me in the breast. It was a great night.

This was yeah write’s nomo Day 18.

Please Remind Me.

November 17, 1948. That’s the day my mother was born.

November is the worst month. It’s getting darker daily. Colder, too. Everything is dying.

My mother is already dead. It’s said we all start dying the minute we’re born but she really took that to heart.

Come April, when spring is upon us and my mother’s deathday looms, I won’t be this sad. Her death was an end to her suffering, and an easing of my own struggles around that. The light of spring is hope and losing her finally on that day in April doesn’t feel as sad as this reminder of her birth. Then, my memories of my mother won’t be clouded by sadness and pain.

But I am sad in November. The lost hope of what could have been and the towering mound of if-only wishes are all too much in November. Everything else that happens, both in my little world and in the larger world around me, amplifies my own grief. It’s like a pair of mirrors, each shines off the other creating endless reflections of sadness until I can’t fight it off any longer.

The darkness of November continues to creep in and it wears me down until I’m nothing. I feel damaged beyond repair, ruined by who my mother was and what she made me. Her death was supposed to be the end of me feeling this way. I have been cheated.

November is knowing that nothing, absolutely nothing in this world, can take any of the hope I once had and make it real. As unlikely as any sort of healing was while she was alive, I could still hope. I could still pretend. November reminds me of my naivety and foolishness. November reminds me that it’s all set it stone now.

She would have been 67 today. Would have been.

When you see me and I seem tired, or I have a look on my face or a heaviness on my soul, it’s just November. If you could, remind me that the seasons change and spring will be here eventually.

This is yeah write’s nomo Day 17.

Featured image credit.

Have You Seen This?

Two months ago, yeah write had the opportunity to be a part of Long Beach Comic Con. This was such a wonderful experience for so many reasons. First and foremost, I got to spend the weekend with many of my fellow editors. It was the first time so many of us were in the same state together, let alone the same venue.  But I also got to spend the weekend thinking about and talking about writing, and specifically about yeah write.

Having the chance to sit on a panel and talk about writing was amazing. Sharing the stage with such talent was equally amazing. If you haven’t already, take a few minutes to watch the video. When you’re done, stop by yeah write.

This is yeah write’s nomo Day 16.