Category Archives: Nonsense


Everyone loves a post about dinner, right?

Well. A few weeks back my friend Kristin showed up at my house with pesto pasta and now I’m obsessed with it. Not so obsessed with it that I’ve actually made it or eaten it again since she was here but I’ve been thinking about it.

But tonight, finally, I’ll be having pesto pasta! I have to make two different shapes of pasta because I don’t have enough of either shape to make a meal and I’ll be adding some Trader Joe’s grilled chicken to my Trader Joe’s pesto. The pasta isn’t Trader Joe’s though. One shape is Ronzoni. The other is San Georgio.

I should be bothered by the pasta duo I’ll be creating tonight but I do not have time for such trivial matters.

I would promise you a better post soon but it’s not really fair to make promises I might not be able to keep. For tonight, think about my lovely dinner.

This is yeah write’s nomo writing challenge Day 11.

Coffee. Coffeecoffeecoffee. Coffee.

My alarm went off today at 5am as it usually does. I remember seeing my phone, thinking that I was still super tired and that the night when by too quickly. The next thing I knew, I heard my son getting up and coming into my room at 6:30. I overslept by 90 minutes.

And sure, I’m always super tired and super whiny about it, so you’re probably thinking that me sleeping is a good thing but I had so much to dooooooooo. (I can whine about anything, just so you know.)

I usually have two cups of coffee before I get in the shower at 6:30. Today I had exactly zero cups of coffee before getting in the shower. My shower took extra long because I couldn’t remember what to do because I DID NOT HAVE ANY COFFEE.

I had coffee waiting for me after the shower, which I downed before leaving the house at 7:30. That’s the absolute latest I can leave and still make it to work on time. But because I was under-caffeinated, that hour I had to get ready to leave for work was a disaster. I got tinted face cream in my hair. I almost forgot to brush my teeth. I couldn’t find socks. I did manage to make my to-go cup of coffee for my drive to the office though, so that was good.

Except when I was about a block from my house, I reached for the coffee and it wasn’t there. So I had to go all the way around the block, run into the house and get the coffee, in heels no less. (Note that I drove around the block. I only had to walk from the car to the house in the heels but come on. I was soooooo tiiiiiiiired. *whining*)

By the time I got back on the road, it was almost 7:40 which meant the traffic had time to build up. I got to the office five minutes late. I hate being late.

I finished the last few sips of my on-the-way-to-work coffee, then headed to the office kitchen to make another cup of coffee. There was no half and half. That’s when I remembered that I bought an extra soy creamer to bring to the office so I’d have it in case no one bought half and half over the weekend. Do you know where that creamer was? In my fridge. At home. There was skim milk in the office fridge, but skim milk is gross.  Someone ended up fetching me a cup from the outside world so thankfully I didn’t have to die from lack of coffee.

I’m relieved to be working from home tomorrow. We have about a gallon of half and half and soy creamer and about 60 coffee pods.

Hopefully that will be enough.

This is yeah write’s nomo writing challenge Day 9.

Day 6 of 30.

I seriously almost forgot to post.

I’m in bed and my kid is sound asleep next to me. There was a fire in our neighborhood and he was scared to sleep in his own room. I remember being very afraid of fires when I was a kid, so I let him sleep here. I was going to go to sleep and I was just about to close the laptop when something about daily November writing caught my eye.

I almost blew the whole thing on day 6.

But I didn’t! Hooray!

This is a terrible post and I’m sorry. This is life though.

This is yeah write’s nomo writing challenge Day 6.


It’s Wednesday evening and I’m super-duper tired. My back hurts – it might be from kickboxing last night or it could be that I’m dying. It’s unclear.

I go into the office on Wednesdays and interacting with humans and wearing my travelling clothes really wears me out.

When I got home, I immediately put my PJs on. And my fuzzy socks. And then I got in bed. But because I have an 8 year old, it’s not like I could actually go to bed. He came in like we were going to snuggle, but he brought one of his stupid Angry Bird stuffed animals and made it peck at my head instead.

I wasn’t really in the mood to make him dinner so I told him he could take the car and go get us doughnuts and that would be dinner. You’d think he’d be excited about this because we never have doughnuts for dinner but then he sputtered some nonsense about how he can’t drive. So I told him that if he got pulled over he could just explain to the officer that his mother was really tired and wanted doughnuts and the officer would understand. My kid, ever the skeptic, didn’t believe me and then I had to get up and actually make him dinner.

I have a ton of things to do tonight but I don’t want to do anything except sleep and then I remembered that I had to write a blog post.

I clearly wasn’t considering how many Wednesdays are in November or else I might not have signed up for this.

This is yeah write’s nomo writing challenge Day 4.

Standard Saving Time.

Can we talk about how stupid daylight saving time is?

You can’t save daylight. If I could save daylight, I’d take a few minutes of sun every day in the summer, put it in a jar and then when I felt like I was never going to feel sunlight again, I’d open the jar and pour some on myself.

To be clear, I live in New Jersey. We have a week or two left where it might be bearable outside and then it will get to the point where even when it’s sunny it’s not warm. Then there will hardly be any sun anymore. Daylight becomes something I long for nostalgically. If we were saving daylight all summer, why is the winter so terrible?

So now it’s Standard Time. Or, I more precisely, The Time It’s Supposed to Be and Would Be If We’d Left It Alone Last Spring.

It seems like people are either in the I-prefer-morning-sun or I-prefer-afternoon-sun camps, but I am firmly in the ALL-THE-SUN CAMP. I want it in the morning AND the afternoon. I think we should demand it. Maybe if enough of us got together we could change things. I’m sorry I can’t be satisfied with one or the other. I really wish I could be. Don’t tell me I’m silly for wanting impossible things. I already know that.

And, while we’re messing with the clocks just because someone somewhere at some point decided that it’s okay to change the time just because he didn’t like the circumstances, I propose we institute Monday Ahead: at 9am, we change the clocks to 5pm. This could work just as well for Tuesday through Friday. Or, you know, all of them.

If we’re going to move time around, we should really do so in a meaningful way. Saving daylight? Yeah, I wish.

This is yeah write’s nomo writing challenge Day 2.