Category Archives: yeah write nomo 2015

Does This Even Count Any More?

I’m so tired I can barely function.

I’m typing this on the laptop where the space bar doesn’t always work and fixing every third word is super annoying.

I haven’t been reading anyone else’s stuff which makes me a terrible nomo participant. Sorry, friends.

I think that I will not do this next year. I think I should only write when I have something to say.


This is yeah write’s nomo  Day 15.

The Heat Is (Not Yet) On.

I have this arbitrary rule that says I can’t turn the heat on in the house until November 1. Every year I break the rule because it ends up getting really cold.

Determined to make it all the way to my goal date this year, I took out all the window air conditioners before the weather changed and wind started blowing in through them. I was quite proud of how responsibly proactive I was. Still, we had a weird October cold snap and it got down into the 30s one night making it unbearable in here. When I woke up to a 58 degree house, I knew that I had no choice but to turn on the heat. I got it up to a respectable 65 and turned it off. I had to do this a few times that week so that we wouldn’t all freeze to death.

Now it’s November 14. I woke up to a 58 degree house. I haven’t turned the heat on since that week in October and now I’m kind of wondering how long I can go without turning it on at all.

To be honest, I kind of felt like I should not turn it on until I’d made up for the time I had it on in October. There was no means for calculating this self-imposed punishment, so I decided one day for ever hour I had the heat on would be fair. I couldn’t remember exactly how long the heat had been on for so, after chastising myself for not writing it down in my planner, I decided four hours sounded about right.

So four days. No heat. It was fine; it’s been warm.

But then I got to thinking that since we have a dual zone eating system, and I didn’t turn both floors on for the full estimated four hours each, maybe I should keep the heat of for one day per hour per floor, so maybe it was more like seven days into November that I shouldn’t use the heat.

If only I’d kept proper records, all of this could ambiguity could have been avoided. Or, you know, if only I didn’t need to create such ridiculous rules and consequences for myself.

I do have a little electric space heater that I sit next to when I work. No one else in the house seems to really mind that it’s cold (my son is currently wearing shorts and a t-shirt) so there probably isn’t much need to turn on the full house heat.

I’m getting up momentarily to start cleaning and then we’re going out for a while. I’ll keep the heat off at least until we get home later. Maybe I’ll keep it off then, too. Who can say? MAYBE I’LL JUST GO ALL WINTER WITHOUT HEAT AND THEN SIT IN A PILE OF MONEY I DIDN’T SPEND ON OIL!

I’ll probably turn the heat on tonight.

This riveting tale of my battle of wills with, I don’t know, the elements I guess, is yeah write’s nomo day 14.

That Moment When

That moment when you’re so tired and thirsty you make a cup of coffee and pour a big bottle of water and then you come |thisclose| to pouring half and half into the water and not into the coffee.

That moment when you’re so tired you refer to bread as bed.

That moment when you say something as ridiculous as, “This is the Swiss cheese of bed!” and you meant bread and that’s not really all that much better.

That moment when you forget to bring your antacids to kickboxing and have to keep stopping so you don’t puke on a heavy bag.

That moment when you realize you’re really like a 90 year old walking around with your heartburn and whatnot.

That moment when you tell someone, “I’ll bring you my card so you can check out my website!” and then you remember that your blog has been nothing but bullshit about your toilet and pesto and coffee and being tired.

That moment when you realize you really need to write something you can be proud of.

That moment when you realize tonight’s not going to be that night.

This is yeah write’s nomo writing challenge Day 12.


Everyone loves a post about dinner, right?

Well. A few weeks back my friend Kristin showed up at my house with pesto pasta and now I’m obsessed with it. Not so obsessed with it that I’ve actually made it or eaten it again since she was here but I’ve been thinking about it.

But tonight, finally, I’ll be having pesto pasta! I have to make two different shapes of pasta because I don’t have enough of either shape to make a meal and I’ll be adding some Trader Joe’s grilled chicken to my Trader Joe’s pesto. The pasta isn’t Trader Joe’s though. One shape is Ronzoni. The other is San Georgio.

I should be bothered by the pasta duo I’ll be creating tonight but I do not have time for such trivial matters.

I would promise you a better post soon but it’s not really fair to make promises I might not be able to keep. For tonight, think about my lovely dinner.

This is yeah write’s nomo writing challenge Day 11.